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Welcome to my portfolio! Here you'll find some of my best work from places I've been published in. While I can't fit all my articles here, you can find more by searching "Elise Gregg" online at each of these sources. If you have any questions or want to see more, feel free to contact me!  



From FIU crime to Florida courts, here are some pieces I've done for FIU's student media, including FIU community and administration coverage.

Miami Herald


Here are highlights from my summer internship, particularly community features and some breaking crime.

South Florida Media Network


Stretching from Palm Beach to Miami-Dade, here are some of my best features for FIU's South Florida Media Network. 

© 2023 by John Roberts. Proudly created with

Photos via PantherNOW, SFMN, Unsplash and The Miami Herald

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